Blog Post #3 - Midpoint Reflection

  1. Reflection on the 3rd week

    So week 3, how did it go? This week was more of a success than the second but still had its failures. My biggest struggle this week was with the busses. Due to the nature of transportation, if I didn't leave by a specific time, then I would be late. There were a couple of days where I wasn't able to catch the bus and had to be driven to school. "But what about my efforts to save water?" I hear you ask curiously. Well, I was pretty consistent this week and was able to take a 7 min shower every day this week which made me feel like I'd finally accomplished something. To help remind me about my time limit, I had posted post-it notes all over the bathroom and on my bedroom door and I found them to be pretty effective in reminding me on what I needed to do. Siri was also very helpful as I could just yell at her and it would set a timer for me.
  2. If the project ended today, how likely do you think you'd be to continue?
if the project ended today I don't think that I would continue to use shorter showers. I just love taking warm showers too much and having to limit my time makes me sad. 
  1. What are your main motivations to continue?
My main motivation is to continue doing this is that I want to follow through with what I said I was going to do.
  1. Have you been able to do this behavior on a regular basis?
I have been keeping up with this habit every day except for the weekend because I just can't be bothered to do it that day.q
  1. Read this article. Explain what your thoughts are about your habit/behavior change after reading it.
    1. Think about a habit/action you’ve developed or tried to develop. How long did it take before you developed it? If you quit, why did you?
It usually takes a long time of doing something every day to have a habit become routine. I don't really track the amount of time that I spend forming a habit but I know it's not fast.
    1. Think about your personal impact habit, does this article make you more or less likely to continue your habit? Why?
it doesn't make me more likely to continue it after the project but it gives me hope that my showers will just be naturally shortened after this project
    1. Connecting this to making more people in the world change their habits, what is important from this article for people to hear?
I believe that its important for people to know that they need to stick with their habit and not give up on it,

  1. References: *Cog Skill: Selecting Relevant Sources
Include citations in one of two ways:
1) Clear, J. (2014, April 10). How long does it actually take to form a new habit? (backed by science). Retrieved from
2) In-text
3) Footnotes


  1. I understand loving showers too much to give up taking longer showers. If that is too much to commit to or cut out of your life, you can still save water by doing other things I found an article that list out many different ways to conserve water, you should consider attempting some of these.

  2. "
    Connecting this to making more people in the world change their habits, what is important from this article for people to hear?

    I believe that its important for people to know that they need to stick with their habit and not give up on it,"
    Why do you believe people should stick with their habit and not give up on it? What advice would you give to people who give up on their habit's easily? Personally, I think people shouldn't give up and stick with their new habit because you have experience and know the purpose on why you are doing this(or that). Also by giving up and not sticking to your habit you have despised all your effort from the beginning.

  3. Josephs project on shorter showers really opened my eyes on what impact my showers have on the earth. Maybe you guys could link up and discuss this together.


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