Week 2

Week 2

1) Reflection on the 2nd week
- So week 2, how did it go? This week was more of a success than the second but still had its failures. My biggest struggle this week was with the busses. Due to the nature of transportation, if I didn't leave by a specific time, then I would be late. There were a couple of days where I wasn't able to catch the bus and had to be driven to school. "But what about my efforts to save water?" I hear you ask curiously. Well, I was pretty consistent this week and was able to take a 7 min shower every day this week which made me feel like I'd finally accomplished something. To help remind me about my time limit, I had posted post-it notes all over the bathroom and on my bedroom door and I found them to be pretty effective in reminding me on what I needed to do. Siri was also very helpful as I could just yell at her and it would set a timer for me.

2) Calculate the impact of your behavior change. How many resources (water, trees, carbon, greenhouse gases, food, plastic, etc.) do you save by doing this behavior YEARLY

Last post we found out how much I'm saving per shower, but how much would I be saving if I continued this behavior for a whole year? In terms of energy, to heat up the water

Using the EPA Greenhouse Gas calculator I am able to calculate that In terms of shower I will be able to cut my carbon waste, metric tons, from 0.00385783569 to 0.00180032332 per month. This is a difference (amount saved) of _______ metric tons. 72%

3) What if everyone at school did my behavior? In Seattle? In the World? How much of these resources would be saved?

3b) Convert those total TONS to a number we understand.

4) What is your perspective on the amount of resources your action has saved and will save. Did the amount surprise you? Why or why not?

5) Considers where this data/information came from. Is it reliable? What are the gaps or limitations to this data? *Cog Skill: Interpreting Data/Info

6) References: *Cog Skill: Selecting Relevant Sources
Include citations in one of two ways:
1) In-text
2) Footnotes


  1. Good start! How do you plan to get more successful with taking the bus to school?

  2. This is a really nice post. But if you look at An's post about cutting down his shower time, you will see the the citations he has in there and you could potentially use them for this post. And just so you know, by showering for 7 minutes, you are actually showering less than the average American by 1.2 minutes. (The average American shower for 8.2 minutes)

  3. This is awesome! Could you clarify your answer for #2, though? You said that by taking shorter showers, you would be cutting your carbon waste by a little bit each month. How did you find out how much carbon waste was produced by your showers?


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